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Latest Release: 27.09.2012
By: theoheame
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Clean up and strengthen your speaker cable connections with these banana plugs that feature gold plated connectors, a heavy duty steel casing, and a tight cable-screw
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Compatible with: - Garmin Nuvi 1200, 1250, 1260T - Garmin Nuvi 1300, 1350, 1370T, 1390T - Garmin Nuvi 300, 310, 350, 360, 370 - Garmin Nuvi 200, 200W, 250, 250W, 260
Part of the Complete Installation Kit from, available at , this video provides a step by step
Features: Digital Fade Dimmers; True multi-location dimming from each location; Tap on to favorite level; tap off; tap twice for full on; Touch rocker to adjust light

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Maestro, Atlanta, GA. 1,039 likes · 3 talking about this. Maestro is all about the music you own would love to hear everyone's feedback on the new platform