Download The hog in America, past and present; with suggestions upon farm, pens, breeds, breeding, pedigreeing, standard of excellence, selection of animals, management of swine, selling and other subjects of importance to swine breeders
Аthor: Silas M Shepard
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Date added: 19.08.2012
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The hog in America, past and present; with suggestions upon farm, pens, breeds, breeding, pedigreeing, standard of excellence, selection of animals, management of swine, selling and other subjects of importance to swine breeders
Full text of "History of Dade County and her people : from the date of the earliest settlements to the present time"
Rebecca Latimer Felton.Country Life in.
The hog in America, past and present; with suggestions upon farm, pens, breeds, breeding, pedigreeing, standard of excellence, selection of animals, management of swine, selling and other subjects of importance to swine breeders
Country life in Georgia in the days of my youth, by Rebecca Latimer Felton, 1835-1930
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